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sportsmediaguy.com Brian Moritz, PhD

For almost 20 years, I’ve joked that sports writing is our family business. My sister spent nearly two decades at the Buffalo News. I took her job at The Olean Times Herald’s sports department at the start of my own career. I’ve never made it a secret that I became a sports writer because my big sister was one.

sportsmediaguy.com Brian Moritz, PhD

I’ve asked “talk about” questions.

There. I’ve said it.

If you’re a sports reporter reading this, there’s a good chance you have, too. Be honest.

09.29.2018 | 6:00 pm

Franklin Hall 310

Join us in Franklin Hall 310 at 2:00 PM on Friday September 28th for a special workshop on podcasting.

sportsmediaguy.com Brian Moritz, PhD

We’ve all met that person (or, in lower moments, been that person) who has been the sore loser at a game light. They’re not popular people. They’re not people whom you want in your life. We mock these people.

Except when they’re athletes. Then, we celebrate them.

sportsmediaguy.com Brian Moritz, PhD

This is a fairly common philosophy – that sunlight is the best disinfectant, that we shouldn’t be afraid to listen to people we disagree with. And the engine driving this philosophy is the notion that, as Milton said, truth will eventually win.

sportsmediaguy.com Brian Moritz, PhD

How should the press cover athlete activists? What responsibility do sports journalists have when they no longer stick to sports?